
Discover the Paralysis Treatment in Ayurveda with Parijatak

Paralysis is defined as disruption of communication between all nerve impulses resulting in loss of muscle functions. There are two types of paralysis:

  • Partial: In case of partial paralysis, there is loss of sensation in the affected areas
  • Complete: In case of complete paralysis, the whole body loses sensation and mobility

On the other hand, there is a third and a rare type known as facial paralysis. This occurs mainly at one side of the face due to stroke.

According to Ayurveda, paralysis is known as ‘Kitibha’, and the leading cause is an imbalance of prana vayu in the body. The different types include Ardita Vata, Ekanga Vata, Paksha Vadha, and Paksaghata that caters to paralysis of different parts of human body.

When it comes to management of paralysis through Ayurveda, the focus is to help the paralyzed person be independent and adaptable to new changes occurring in life. Further with a combination of medicines and therapies, these measures work to relax the affected muscles and stimulate the nerve functions.

Since the ancient years, Ayurveda has proved to be beneficial as a perfect cure for paralysis treatment with a combination of therapies, herbal treatment, and yoga exercises. However, there are many other forms of treatment available, but none could exceed the results Ayurveda has delivered for best possible recovery.

Know the Causes of Paralysis

Aggravation of vata dosha is certainly the key cause as per Ayurveda but there are other contributing factors. These include:

  • Strenuous exercises
  • Sleeplessness
  • Obstruction of brain channels
  • Lack of nutrition
  • Anxiety and depression
  • High blood pressure
  • Trauma
  • Infectious disease
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Neurological health conditions

Know the Symptoms of Paralysis

Some of the most common symptoms of paralysis include:

  • Lack of mobility
  • Loss of nerve function
  • Loss of sensation
  • Speech impairment
  • Edema
  • Occurrence of blood clots mainly in the lower limbs
  • Skin infections
  • Difficulties in sexual intercourse
  • Constipation
  • Sweating
  • Issue with mental balance
  • Vision problems
  • Abnormal heart rate
  • Behavioral problems
  • Numbness or pain

Know the Treatment of Paralysis

The best paralysis treatment in Ayurveda includes various measures that improves and balances the flow of prana vayu within the body. These measures include a thoughtful combination of herbal medicines for oral consumption and external therapies.

Some of the best herbal cures for paralysis include:

  • ThriKatakadi: Herbal decoction of ThriKatakadi is a composition of 12 herbs that works to purify the obstruction of brain channels.
  • Anupana: This is a herbal tea that works to control the levels of cholesterol within the body.
  • Ma-Ul-Asel: A special herbal formulation that works to dissolve blood clots wherever possible.
  • Sidhamakaradhwaja: This serves as an effective nerve tonic.

Some of the most important therapies that work as best paralysis Ayurvedic treatment include:

  • Abhyangam: This therapy helps improve blood circulation.
  • Padabhyanga: This therapy works more on the lower limbs to soothe all the tight muscles.
  • Shirodara: This head oil application works to synchronize mind and the body.
  • Pizhichil: This massage oil therapy works to strengthen the nerve muscles.
  • Sarvangadara: This therapy works best as a pain relief measure